I am trying to train an action classifier model, however I keep getting an unexpected error. I will begin the feature extraction portion, which completes without any problems. Once that finishes it starts the training portion and immediately stops. Only get "unexpected error" without any further details.
I am trying to save a video to camera roll from a CVPixelBuffer array using AVAssetWriter and PHPhotoLibrary. However, I keep getting this error when trying to save to camera roll. It worked earlier today, but I have not got it to work again. What can be the potential causes of this error?
Currently I am trying to append to an array in a SampleBufferDelegate while recording from the camera, however after the 16th iteration the app just freezes and I get no errors. It does not seem like a memory from what I have learned debugging. If I limit the size of the array to 15 it won't crash, if I add an amount greater than 16 to the array in a while loop, the 16th time appending it will freeze.
I have set up an AVCaptureSession that connects to a video Preview Layer, and I am trying to give the option of changing the currect active format (Dimensions and FPS).
However after changing the camera settings the video preview layer is runnning a lot slower now. What could be the issue?
try backCamera.lockForConfiguration()
backCamera.activeFormat = recordingOptions[indexPath.row].0
let duration = recordingOptions[indexPath.row].1
backCamera.activeVideoMinFrameDuration = CMTime(seconds: 1, preferredTimescale: Int32(duration))
backCamera.activeVideoMaxFrameDuration = CMTime(seconds: 1, preferredTimescale: Int32(duration))
I am trying to add a border around a AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer, but the left and right sides of the border get clipped after setting the corner radius to anything above 24. The top and bottom border show.
I cannot figure out an explanation for this.
I am successfully transferring a .mov file and the correct delegate is being called from the watch counterpart. Yet when I try to reference the URL of the file that was transferred, the file is can’t be found. Is there a specific file path that transferred files are saved to?
Is there another way I can download a .mov file from my iPhone device to a counterpart?
How can I gather data from a watch for an activity classifier model? Are there any tools to help facilitate this?