




Reply to iOS 14 .onAppear() is called on DISappear instead of appear
Was using relamquad's answer quite successfully until I noticed it can lead to memory leaks due to strong reference cycles. Using it like described works fine: Swift var body: some View { SomeView().uiKitOnAppear { print("I am uiKitAppear") } } However if you pass a ViewModel's function for example, the ViewModel will not be deallocated once the View should be deinitialized: Swift @ObservedObject var viewModel: ViewModel var body: some View { SomeView().uiKitOnAppear { viewModel.startUpdating() } } If been trying to find a solution using weak references, but then again, somehow startUpdating is not called on .uiKitOnAppear(). Does anybody know a solution to this?
Apr ’21
Reply to iOS 14 .onAppear() is called on DISappear instead of appear
Thanks gfdgdfg for the quick response and solution proposition. In my specific case, it did not solve the memory leak issue. What helped was resetting the action in updateUIViewController(_ controller: UIAppearViewController, context: Context). Extending relamquad's answer like this: swift struct UIKitAppear: UIViewControllerRepresentable {     let action: () - Void     func makeUIViewController(context: Context) - UIAppearViewController {        let vc = UIAppearViewController()         vc.action = action         return vc     }     func updateUIViewController(_ controller: UIAppearViewController, context: Context) { controller.action = action } }
Apr ’21