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Feedback (aka RADAR) sent to Apple 1.5 years ago, still "open" and no response (FB7390114). I somehow bypassed the issue as additional file information has been moved from "related items" to extended file attributes, which are accessible from Quick Look.
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The issue of not reading intent results was fixed by Apple with iOS 14.5 - or earlier as I didn't check for quite a time. No code change done...
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***! I just rechecked on my iPhone running iOS 14.5 and ... it just works as intended (and had with iOS 14): Obviously Apple had introduced some bug with the major iOS update which has been resolved, now. Unfortunately I never found a corresponding information in the change logs. - I'm a happy camper, again...
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The issue of not reading intent results was fixed by Apple with iOS 14.5 - or earlier as I didn't check for quite a time. No code change done...
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But you have mentioned that you have a bypass idea: to put string into clipboard and pronounce it. Does it work? And how to achieve it? Actually this topic has dropped from my todos - mostly because I didn't see any proper way forward. The idea via clipboard would require the user to set up a specific two-step workflow to (1.) run my app and propagate the clipboard and (2.) read its content via a factory action. I don't feel this is a viable solution. Is anybody able to have Siri just speak a text provided by an app extension? It still looks like I'm missing a point... Mattes
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4 months and one Xcode version (12.4) later, and still no fix...
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Today I re-tested with macOS 11 "Big Sur" and Xcode 12.3 (12C33): Receipt validation with Receigen just works with Mac Catalyst, using the iOS header: My app is retrieving the receipt and evaluating IAPs with "CheckInAppPurchasesAndReceipt" successfully. So far only tested in the sandbox as even with Big Sur my app doesn't provide the user experience I'm willing to ship... Cheers, Mattes
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I was able to build an XCFramework of OpenSSL v1.1.1h based on for all platforms with fat binaries for all architectures, including: macOS (x8664, arm64) iOS Mac Catalyst (x8664, arm64) iOS (armv7, arm64) iOS simulator (x8664, arm64) tvOS (arm64) tvOS simulator (x8664) watchOS (arm64_32, armv7k) I'm using it with a macOS deployment target 10.11... Cheers, Mattes
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"+1", unchecking debug symbols upload helps. Apple, your QA sucks...
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7 Replies
Just to finally close this thread: Kudos to @NateP ... The last days I looked up my old git branch and integrated additional infos by extended file attributes using the required flag XATTRFLAGSYNCABLE (#S), and iCloud synching is working like a charm! Thanks again, Mattes
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You could use a workflow with two actions: The first running your Audi shortcut and a second with Siri reading some static text. There are iOS 14 default actions for both purposes. Mattes
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I solved this issue by adding Siri intents in the app delegate after launching the app. Works nicely with iOS < 14: The user can define a workflow with one shortcut, e.g. "Next Lesson", and Siri reads the result from my intent definition (voice only dialog response). With iOS 14 Siri isn't reading responses anymore, so the shortcut is run, displaying the result, but without any audio feedback. Unfortunately this was the main purpose of my intents, asking Siri just for some information to be read loud. Is this a general design decision in iOS? What do I need to implement to make Siri (again) reading intent results? Currently I can only think of a bypass, putting the result text into the clipboard and adding a second shortcut reading the clipboard (with is an iOS-provided one). Any thoughts? Mattes
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@NateP: Wow, thank you so much for pointing me to the new article at electiclight ... I had abandoned my test using xattribs and was continuing using additional files ... with a lot of complications and limitations. Looks like I will revive the deserted git branch, once I can spend some time on the corresponding project! Thanks again, Mattes
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Receiving the same error since yesterday w/o having touched the StoreKit / IAP part in my code...
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Hey Jaime, thanks for mentioning the exit(173) ... I completely forgot it is required to request the receipt on macOS (although I'm using it in other apps). Will shortly give it a try and let you all know! At the moment I have classified the Mac Catalyst app "internal use only" as it still has some hick-ups and is not yet mature enough for production... Greetings, Mattes