




Use Lazy Stack or Regular Stack in ScrollView?
A few of us were discussing the advice for when to use Lazy Stacks in this session, specifically where Cody Brimhall said the following: So it's worth asking, since I made my outer stack lazy, should these stacks be lazy too? In this case, the answer is no. While I want the vertical stack to be lazy specifically because it scrolls, I don't want to spend the time it takes to render everything upfront when most of the content can't be seen without scrolling. On the other hand, making the stacks within a given hero view lazy doesn't actually confer any benefits. The content is all visible at once as soon as the view lands on screen, so everything has to be loaded at once regardless of the container's default behavior. As a rule, if you aren't sure which type of stack to use, use VStack or HStack. Adopt lazy stacks as a way to resolve performance bottlenecks that you find after profiling with instruments. The earlier advice seems to suggest that using a Lazy Stack in a ScrollView is preferred. That rule of thumb at the bottom seems to suggest to only use Lazy Stacks when there's a performance problem. Q: Are there any performance implications to always using a LazyVStack in a ScrollView, or should that be a best practice go-to? Cheers!
Jun ’20
Any way to prevent Xcode editors resizing on every launch?
I'm using Xcode 13, but the problem has happened since at least Xcode 11. I prefer a three-editor layout. Each editor equal width. This is easy to achieve: close all but one editor, then click the 'Add Editor' button twice. Each window is equal width. But EVERY time I close and relaunch my project, the editor windows resize. The middle editor will be 2/3 the size of the editor space, the editor on the left will be about 1/5th the width and the editor on the right will be a tiny sliver. So every time I open the project I have to close the editors, then re-add two editor windows to get them to equal size. Is there ANY way to have Xcode actually save the window and editor layouts between launches?
Oct ’21