




Reply to Access child components in USDZ with XCode?
Here are some code snippets on how i place my object in the AR View. I place it by tapping on the screen and handle the tap with an ARView Coorinator. I use the focus entity package to define the anchor point for the model entity. Here, i want to access the information about the child elements, that should be places with the usdz file. As you can see I tried to print out the information, and tried some things. I can't figure out where the children are attached to. `@objc func handleTap() { guard let view = self.view, let focusEntity = self.focusEntity else {return} if (!object.inScene) { object.anchorEntity = AnchorEntity() view.scene.anchors.append(object.anchorEntity!) object.modelEntity = try! ModelEntity.loadModel(named: object.fileName) object.modelEntity!.name = object.anchorEntity!.position = focusEntity.position object.anchorEntity!.addChild(object.modelEntity!) print(object.modelEntity!.children) print(object.modelEntity!.components) object.inScene = true object.anchorPosition = object.anchorEntity!.transform.translation object.anchorRotation = object.anchorEntity!.transform.rotation } else {return} }` The "object" class contains the data i need to use in my whole app, it also tells the coordinator the file name and stores some other info: ` @MainActor class Object: ObservableObject { let name: String = "Vase" //let fileName: String = "flower_tulip.usdz" let fileName: String = "Vase_FP.usdz" let scale: SIMD3<Float> = SIMD3<Float>(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) @Published var session: ARSession? @Published var modelEntity: ModelEntity? @Published var anchorEntity: AnchorEntity? @Published var anchorPosition: SIMD3<Float>? @Published var anchorRotation: simd_quatf? @Published var deletionRequest: Bool = false @Published var inScene: Bool = false func changeObjectPosition(_ sender: Any, newPosition: SIMD3<Float>){ self.anchorPosition = newPosition self.anchorEntity?.transform.translation = newPosition } func changeObjectRotation(_ sender: Any, newRotation: simd_quatf){ self.anchorRotation = newRotation self.anchorEntity?.transform.rotation = newRotation } func enumerateChildren(_ sender: Any){ let children = self.modelEntity!.children for (n, c) in children.enumerated() { print("\(n): '\(c)'") } } var deletion: Cancellable? }` I use scene reconstruction and depth in my ARView, since i work with an iPad Pro. But that does not have to do anything with the question. I hope things got a bit clearer now
Mar ’22
Reply to Access child components in USDZ with XCode?
Well, well.. I finally figured it out! I used ModelEntity in the code above to place the object, which is a subclass of Entity. However, ModelEntity does flatten the Hierarchy and only shows the geometry that is visible and flattens (combines) it to be one and only one instance. Thats why I was only getting SIMD4 for geometry_0. So I went back and loaded the model i want to place as Entity, which inherits from "HasHierarchy" ans "HasTransform". After that, I can just call "Entity.children" and It works just fine and shows all of the child elements as Entities. What a ride. Hope it might help others that face the problem aswell. :)
Mar ’22