




Comment on Access child components in USDZ with XCode?
I exported from blender to fbx with all of the children attached. Then I used the Reality Converter to convert it into usdz. I am not getting any errors, I can place the usdz model in the scene. When i try to access the child elements with modelEntity.children to get a child collection, it doesn't seem to have any child elements. However, when i preview the usdz file in xcode, i can see the empty axis in the preview. If you give me a moment, i can screenshot it. :)
Mar ’22
Comment on Access child components in USDZ with XCode?
Many thanks! I thought about going down that road, but it seemed kinda weird. :D But it makes total sense when i think about it. I tried it and it debugs: Instance(id: "/Vase_FP/model/model_geometry-0", model: "/Vase_FP/model/model_geometry", transform: simd_float4x4([[100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.1920929e-05, -99.99999, 0.0], [0.0, 99.99999, -1.1920929e-05, 0.0], [2.0692042e-07, 0.0, -1.0926352e-06, 1.0]])) which seems like some sort of vector 4 location / transform which is great :D i just need to find out more about them and how to use this info, but i guess this helps me with figuring it out. Weird thing is it only seems to show geometry-0, which is my main object. But i'll work on it further. Thanks for your help so far, mate!
Mar ’22