It turns out that an entitlement must also be added. I added the "audio input" entitlement and the notarized version started correctly asking for permission to use the microphone using the NSMicrophoneUsageDescription paired description string.
@eskimo You were correct. The value of "Executable file" in the info.plist was bogus.
Thank you for posting the link to DTS. For the life of me I could not find a way to get tech support beyond the forum (on my own.)
@eskimo Thanks. I'm comparing apps that work to this particular app that does not. The only change I can see is that the non-working app has two separate .icns files being deployed. I'm not sure why the second one is being deployed.
Could two .icns files be enough to have the MacOS think that it's not really an app? I can't remove one of them from the bundle as that would break the codesigning, yes?
Given that the bundle contains everything an app should - and that it came directly from the .zip that was notarized by Apple - I'm rather thinking that it should be an app. :)