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Hello all, I wanted to get MXMetricPayload to analyse some App metrics. And for some reason the method func didReceive(_ payloads: [MXMetricPayload]) from mxMetricManager is not being executed. For this I created a Class: import MetricKit public final class MetricKitManagerImpl: NSObject, MetricKitManager { public static let shared: MetricKitManager = MetricKitManagerImpl(mxMetricManager: MXMetricManager.shared) private let mxMetricManager: MXMetricManager private init( mxMetricManager: MXMetricManager ) { self.mxMetricManager = mxMetricManager super.init() mxMetricManager.add(self) } deinit { mxMetricManager.remove(self) } public func didReceive(_ payloads: [MXMetricPayload]) { payloads.forEach { if let scrollHitchTimeRatio = $0.animationMetrics?.scrollHitchTimeRatio.value { sendToSomeWhere(scrollHitchTimeRatio) } } } } Then on the AppDelegate on didFinishLaunchingWithOptions I do: private(set) var metricsManager: MetricKitManager! func application( _ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]? = nil ) -> Bool { self.metricsManager = MetricKitManagerImpl.shared ... } With this setUp I am able to receive the debug playload (triggered from Xcode Menu. Debug -> Simulate Metrik Kit Payload). However, after using the app for some days, I did not receive any real payload. Did anyone experience this? What am I doing wrong? Thanks a lot in advance! Miguel Franco
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