1、I set AVAudioSessionCategory = AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback
,then use ipad mini (os version:12.5.1) airplay to apple tv 4k(os version:14.3),when I airplay a vod to ATV 4k, it works, not auto close. but when I airplay a live tv, it auto close.I also airplay to apple tv 4(os version:13.3), vod and live tv both ok.
2、I set AVAudioSessionCategory = AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord
,then use ipad mini (os version:12.5.1) airplay to apple tv 4k(os version:14.3) and apple tv 4(os version:13.3), vod and live tv both ok.,but i can't observe AVAudioSessionRouteChangeNotification notice
Does anyone ever had this problem?
Best regards