I have signed my .pkg but now I want to notarize my installer package.
I execute this command :
xcrun altool --validate-app -f ****.pkg -t osx -u *****@****.fr -p password
where password is an application password generate with appleid.apple.com.
But I Have this response after having execute this command :
`altool[18824:6583386] CFURLRequestSetHTTPCookieStorageAcceptPolicy_block_invoke: no longer implemented and should not be called
altool[18824:6583381] *** Error: Unable to validate archive 'JFSE.pkg': (
"Error Domain=ITunesConnectionOperationErrorDomain Code=1190 "No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'SurgicaTools' is correct and that you are signed into Xcode with an Apple ID that has access to the app in App Store Connect." UserInfo={NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'SurgicaTools' is correct and that you are signed into Xcode with an Apple ID that has access to the app in App Store Connect., NSLocalizedDescription=No suitable application records were found. Verify your bundle identifier 'SurgicaTools' is correct and that you are signed into Xcode with an Apple ID that has access to the app in App Store Connect., NSLocalizedFailureReason=iTunes Store operation failed.}"
I have test this command :
xcrun altool --notarize-app --username "****@****.fr" --password "****-***-***-**" --file "JFSE.pkg"
But she doesn't worked withs response : altool: unrecognized option `--notarize-app'
Can I have help ?
My .pkg is certify, indeed I have notarize with an Developer ID Installer but when I download my .pkg on my website I have this message :
cannot open because apple cannot verify it for malware
Can you help me because I don't understand why I have this error then my .pkg is signed.
I have a problem to notarize my .pkg.
Indeed, I have a certified certificat in .pfx format and I have a Apple Developer Program account.
1 - in the key chain, I request a certificate from a certificate authority in Keychain to have a .csr
2 - I install the .csr to have a .cert than I put in keychain to have a valide certificate
3 - I execute this command : productsign --sign "Developer ID Installer: Name_of_developer_ID (Number_of_DeveloperID)" name_uncertfied.pkg name_certified.pkg
Finaly, I get that answer : Product sign: error: Could not find appropriate signing identity for "Developer ID Installer: ** (****)" then that there are a valide certificate with wrote " Developer ID installer : Name_of_developper_ID (Number_of_DeveloperID).
Moreover, when I execute this command : security -v find-identity -p codesigning
My certificate don't appears in matching identities then he is in my Keychain et I don't know why ...
My Question is, How I can notarize my .pkg ?