
Post marked as solved
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I got a response from Apple the other day in Feedback Assistant, with the following recommendation:"You [sic] PAC file has an exception for ftp urls (shExpMatch(url, "ftp:*")). If you add a similar exception for imap/imaps that should get you up and running. It may be even more effective to ignore any URL that isn't http or https."I added PAC file rules for (url, "imap:*") (url, "imaps:*") (url, "smtp:*") and now things are working again. Not excusing Apple from fixing what they broke (still a problem with Apple Watch not having an internet connection when paired to global-proxied iPhones), but this solution is working for us in the email department.
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Our company opened a paid support ticket with Apple the beginning of November. It is on their radar and they have other people reporting the same issue.We were informed that engineers are working on a fix, and that they hoped to have the fix implemented in iOS 13.3. As we tested the 13.3 betas, it was evident that the fix was not in place yet, so we reached out to our contacts at Apple. We were informed that they are having some difficulty getting the fix implemented, and they are now targeting a "mid-term release" for the software patch.So I guess that means early 2020 sometime is when they hope to have it fixed.
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Just so everyone here is clear on what essandess is saying: This global proxy mail issue only affects devices with a Automatic Proxy Configuration payload, ie. using a PAC file.If the proxy is set to manual authentication where the server, port, username, password, etc. are specified manually, the native Mail app will work in iOS 13.For our environment, using manual authentication isn't a feasible solution, but if you're in a pinch and need the native Mail app working, manual authentication in your global proxy payload could be a temporary "solution" until Apple gets the PAC bug fixed.
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Nope. It's been radio silence from Apple. I've given them updates as more betas were released, letting them know it was still an issue. I sent another sysdiagnostics file over when it still wasn't working in 13.1 beta 2, but haven't heard anything.3rd-party mail apps work great, so it's definitely an iOS-Mail specific problem. My hunch is that Mail depends on some part of the now-being-deprecated FTP and File URL schemes for Proxy Automatic Configuration (PAC), but that's purely speculation.I just got done installing 13.1 beta 3, and it's still an issue. Looks like I'll need to do a 90-day software upgrade defer in my MDM and hope Apple sorts it out by then.