I had the same problem when updated to XCode 15.0. I found a WORKAROUND to be able to upload a version, but i don't think it's the clean way to do it.
Anyway, my steps are:
1- Locate the framework through your Finder. (TUIFramework in this case)
2- Open its contents using Finder, and locate the Info.plist in it.
3- Enable "Read & Write" permission for the Info.plist in "Get Info" to be able to edit it.
4- Add the missing .plist keys (for me, it was "CFBundleShortVersionString" & "CFBundleVersion") with random values (I put 6.0).
5- Re-archive and try uploading again, it should work.
(n.b: the info.plist will probably be reset every time you re-install pods/update swift packages...)