I just tried with iOS 15.4 beta 4 and the issue is still not resolved there.
I think to get heads-up from the Apple developers you must report an issue in their feedback assistant https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/welcome, writing here is not sufficient.
The more people report this, the more likely we will get a fix.
I tried with Xcode 13.2.1 and the behaviour did not change, so it's still an open issue
I still have no solution for this. If you want to help then please fill a feedback report to Apple. There more requests they get for this, the more likely they solve it.
I submitted a feedback report for this (FB9764631)
I have submitted a feedback report for this (FB9764634)
the value for isPresented is updated if it is cancelled.
.fileImporter(isPresented: Binding( get: {showFileImporter}, set: {active in showFileImporter = active; print("File import active=\(active)")}), allowedContentTypes: fileImportTypes, allowsMultipleSelection: fileImportMultipleFiles, onCompletion: { args in afterFileImportSelection(args) })
Unfortunately there seem to be a bug that this is not updated, when the dialog window is just swiped down (iOS 15)
sorry for more late answers. I can reproduce the issue as well using iPhone 8 plus on simulator. See attached image.