I've fixed my problem by adding the product module name to the Custom class attributes on each of my scene.sks
The error has gone, the scene loads correctly and now responds touches as before
I had previously renamed my project and then this error happened so maybe that was the reason.
Hope this helps. Good luck with your projects
Hey @BigCloudMedia
I've got no answer for you yet but you're not alone. This issue started happening with all my projects yesterday. same error across all classes "Unable to load custom class 'xxxxx' from module '(null)'"
no matter which scene I load from didMove to view in GameViewController I get the same error.
I'm still trying to find a fix for it. Will let you know when I do.
Thanks for the replies and help.
@VictorAbroum - you are an absolute legend. This has worked perfectly! - It's now fixed and the game is no longer crashing
Thank you for this.