I'm using storyboards, and I have two controllers. One writes data, the other reads data.
I'm not sure how to get my data form one page to the other. After some testing I see I can pass data using:
override func contextForSegue(withIdentifier segueIdentifier: String) -> Any?{
return self.relet
"relet" being my class.
I can see context on my other controller here:
override func awake(withContext context: Any?){
I can see context has data... but how am I able to map it to relet = context???
I don't see how to get the data back... I can seem to send it, but getting it is becoming a struggle, and the struggle is real O.o
I'm having a problem with the height of my objects being to big on small devices.
It looks great on bigger devices like the iPhone 13 or basically anything over iPhone 11. But on iPhone 8 it's to big
I have my code broken into parts
This shows just the part I want (my seconds object)
Which I reference into a new screen here
Combining all of the other views which are also their own file
Finally I then combine that to my main view.
See the bottom there. It's being cut off.
Now, I can hear you thinking "use geometry reader". I did that. and the result promising, but still not right.
Looks great on the object screen itself
But then when I add it to my parent screen it turns to this.
Now I'm like well crap.... any thoughts on what I can look into? I can post some code too so you can see what I'm doing there, but I figured I'd start with the screenshots and answer some questions with code as they come in.
I'd really appreciate some help