
Post marked as solved
5 Replies
Many thanks!Both of your suggestions have resolved my issues and achieve what I wanted, with the progress I have made so far within my storyboard.Before I go on, it is probably worth mentioning (and probably obvious from my original code) that I am by no way in any stretch of the imagination, proficient in the writing of Swift code. A few years ago (iOS 8, Xcode 6), I began creating an app, in a purely "self taught" manner, downloading and reading any documents or videos that gave workable examples of what I was trying to achieve. Having read and worked through documents such as Techtopia's iOS 8 App Development Essentials, which started from installing Xcode and ended in submitting to the App Store (, I was able to teach myself a basic understanding of app development. However, after a lengthy period and hitting a brickwall with the passing of data between tableviews, I ceased trying to develop the app.The app I have now decided to try to develop, is in theory a more "straight forward" app (my previous one was far too ambitious for my level of compitencey), but I have all but forgotten anything I used to know and a lot has changed since iOS 8 / Xcode 6. My original code came from me building the initial setup in storeyboard and then following a video on YouTube called "Passing data between tableviews using structs and arrays (, which led me to the issue I posted above.With all that said:I am not planning to become an out and out app developer or code writer, but would like to try to achieve creating this current app. I have a few features in mind, but the basics are that the user will be able to select a vehicle based on make then model and then finally be shown an image of the vehicle.Based on what you stated in your second piece of advice above, I believe this option (dictionary style) is what I will continue with, as you are correct in assuming that I will eventually want to build a large, possibly inexaustable list of vehicles. With this in mind, and thinking about what you said about dictionaries not keeping things ordered, I think I have seen somewhere that there is a way to code the list (dictionary) so that it keeps everything ordered as data is added to the list, is this the case, or am I always going to have to insert the data in a very specific way?