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In SwiftUi, even when I add the tab bar as an overlay to the root view, the sheet remains presented over the tab bar, this will prevent users from changing views (profile, home, etc) Is there any way to accomplish this result? Apple's "Find My" appears successfully display a sheet and still have the tab bar view in the bottom screen. My bottom sheet code works as expected, tabbar works when I hide the sheet, but when the sheet is present, tab bar is not visible. // Bottom Sheet .sheet(isPresented: $isBottomSheetPresented) { BottomSheetView() .transition(.move(edge: .bottom)) .presentationDetents([ .fraction(0.35),.medium, .fraction(0.99)]) .presentationCornerRadius(15) .presentationBackgroundInteraction(.enabled(upThrough: .fraction(0.99))) .interactiveDismissDisabled() .background(colorScheme == .dark ? Color.customDarkBackground : Color.customLightBackground) }
by LarenzJr.
Last updated