Hi. I'm a frontend developer and i'm having problems navigating and interacting with any type of carousel using VoiceOver on mobile. The carousel navigation works perfectly using the arrows and touch, but after enabling VoiceOver, the navigation freezes and it's impossible to move the carousel using touch gestures, working only with the arrows.
Following the documentations i'm trying to use a three finger gesture to move the carousel. I also tried other gestures, but none worked as expected. Even tested using the VoiceOver in other webpages that have carousels, like Bootstrap carousel component page, Picpay, Amazon and even Apple.
I made an StackBlitz page with a sample code i'm using to test carousel accessibility https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-gg2t5w?file=src%2Fmain.ts
So the question is. Is there any limitations regarding using VoiceOver on browsers? Am i doing something wrong here? Or is there a different approach when it comes to carousels?