danil_la - Woah, you're right. If you put the motion code into viewDidAppear it works as expected, but viewDidLoad does not. Good catch! Thank you!
I did ultimately file a bug report as well.
Good insights, @bridger. Originally two things made me think it wasn't an iOS 14 bug: 1) it works on springboard as you mentioned and 2) this guy's sample project does work on iOS 14 out of the box https://github.com/NachoMan/Example-UIMotionEffect but his use was so complex that I couldn't easily reverse engineer what he was doing.
Ah that's actually good news. I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. I suspected it was an iOS 14 bug but didn't have any iOS 13 devices to compare... I will file another bug report. Thank you.