
Post marked as solved
4 Replies
On my shop and content views of my app, I have a shopping cart SF symbol that I've modified with a conditional to show the number of items in the cart if the number of items is above zero. However, whenever I change tabs and back again, that icon disappears even though there should be an item in the cart. I have a video of the error, but I have no idea how to post it. Here is some of the code, let me know if you need to see more of it: CartManager.swift import Foundation import SwiftUI @Observable class CartManager { /*private(set)*/ var products: [Product] = [] private(set) var total: Int = 0 private(set) var numberofproducts: Int = 0 func count() -> Int { numberofproducts = products.count return numberofproducts } func addToCart(product: Product) { products.append(product) total += product.price numberofproducts = products.count } func removeFromCart(product: Product) { products = products.filter { $ != } total -= product.price numberofproducts = products.count } } ShopPage.swift import SwiftUI struct ShopPage: View { @Environment(CartManager.self) private var cartManager var columns = [GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 135), spacing: 0)] @State private var searchText = "" let items = ["LazyHeadphoneBean", "ProperBean", "BabyBean", "RoyalBean", "SpringBean", "beanbunny", "CapBean"] var filteredItems: [Bean] { guard searchText.isEmpty else { return beans } return beans.filter { $0.imageName.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(searchText) } } var body: some View { NavigationStack { ZStack(alignment: .top) { Color.white .ignoresSafeArea(edges: .all) VStack { AppBar() .environment(cartManager) ScrollView() { LazyVGrid(columns: columns, spacing: 20) { ForEach(productList, id: \.id) { product in NavigationLink { beanDetail(product: product) .environment(cartManager) } label: { ProductCardView(product: product) .environment(cartManager) } } } } } .navigationBarDrawer(displayMode: .always)) } } .environment(cartManager) } var searchResults: [String] { if searchText.isEmpty { return items } else { return items.filter { $0.contains(searchText)} } } } #Preview { ShopPage() .environment(CartManager()) } struct AppBar: View { @Environment(CartManager.self) private var cartManager var body: some View { NavigationStack { VStack (alignment: .leading){ HStack { Spacer() NavigationLink(destination: CartView() .environment(cartManager) ) { CartButton(numberOfProducts: cartManager.products.count) } } Text("Shop for Beans") .font(.largeTitle .bold()) } } .padding() .environment(CartManager()) } } CartButton.swift import SwiftUI struct CartButton: View { var numberOfProducts: Int var body: some View { ZStack(alignment: .topTrailing) { Image(systemName: "cart.fill") .foregroundStyle(.black) .padding(5) if numberOfProducts > 0 { Text("\(numberOfProducts)") .font(.caption2).bold() .foregroundStyle(.white) .frame(width: 15, height: 15) .background(Color(hue: 1.0, saturation: 0.89, brightness: 0.835)) .clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 50)) } } } } #Preview { CartButton(/*numberOfProducts: 1*/numberOfProducts: 1) }
by KittyCat.
Last updated