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Hey @Dott, 3 yrs later and I'm on the same boat as you. The endpoint for recently played returns only albums, playlists, and stations. But still no songs. I tried playing song individually, and via "play next", but the individual tracks are not reflected in the endpoint's result. This compares poorly against Spotify's API, which give you up to 50 most-recently played tracks. Apple Music API Docs: Spotify API Docs: https://developer dot spotify dot com/documentation/web-api/reference/#endpoint-get-the-users-currently-playing-track
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4 Replies
Had a look at it today. Still as @TheCD said. Small correction though, the recently played endpoint returns albums, playlists, and stations. Still no songs though. For a deeper dive into that endpoint see
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3 Replies
2 yrs later and still as @jr. said. Still no songs. Small correction though, the endpoints returns albums, playlists and stations.
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Hey @swiftymoon, I have the same issue. I was looking to get recently-played tracks from Apple Music. I used Spotify before, which returns up to 50 recently played tracks, so was disappointed with Apple Music API. I look a bit deeper into this. TL;DR: This endpoint supports offset, so you can reach resources beyond the 10 resources limit by setting the right offset. Update 1: The endpoint yields at most 50 most recently played resources. So with the limit of 10, using offset values 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 will give you all recently played resources you can access. Observation 1: If you set limit above 10, you get an error in the payload. This confirms we have to operate in the range of 1-10 resources per request. json { "errors": [ { "id": "X6VOUROLIVE5XJSVKIA5FFHQEI", "title": "Invalid Parameter Value", "detail": "Value must be an integer less than or equal to 10", "status": "400", "code": "40005", "source": { "parameter": "limit" } } ] } Just out of curiosity, limit that's less than 1 (so 0 and including negatives) also throws. Observation 2: offset DOES work for this endpoint Other endpoints accept offset query param, so I tried I here too. Good news, offset works! Endpoints and results I've got: I had just 4 entries in recently played. That was expected, today was the first time I've used Apple Music. recently-played-all.json - When I set the limit=2, I got just 2 entries. As expected. recently-played-limit-2.json - Then I tried to get "next page", so limit=2&offset=2. And lo and behold, I got the next page! recently-played-limit-2-offset-2.json - Then I also looked at what happens if you set offset beyond what's in the recently-played list. As expected, I got empty array. recently-played-offset-10.json - The offset can be set to as high as 1000000000s (10^9). At 10000000000 (one more zero), the query param is ignored. Negative offset is ignored. Conclusion: You can only get between 1-10 recently-played resources. You can use offset to get resources beyond the 10 items limit. The question remains about how many recently-played resources are made available in total. E.g. Spotify keeps only the last 50 tracks. Anything older than that and you're out of luck. How many are available via Apple Music API? See Update 1 - you can get max 50 recently played resources. Docs at the time of writing: Apple Music API Docs: Spotify API Docs: https://developer dot spotify dot com/documentation/web-api/reference/#endpoint-get-the-users-currently-playing-track
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10 Replies
Thanks! Can confirm, it works! I had problem with python pip on macOS 10.15 Catalina. Reinstalling Homebrew's version of Python didn't help because it was an issue with the macOS's python. Neither reinstalling the newest OS software update has helped. r.xuan's solution did it though.Changes that I did:In 1), run brew commands sequentially:brew update && brew upgrade && brew install opensslIn 2), change dir not only to /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2t, but to the lib subdir cd /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2t/libIn 3), change dir to the /usr/local/lib before making the softlinks, so they are created in the /usr/local/libcd /usr/local/libIn 3) back up the current links, such to be safe mv libssl.dylib libssl_bak.dylibmv libcrypto.dylib libcrypto_bak.dylibSo overall, the steps were:1) brew update && brew upgrade && brew install openssl2) cd /usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2t/lib3) sudo cp libssl.1.0.0.dylib libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/4) cd /usr/local/lib5) mv libssl.dylib libssl_bak.dylib6) mv libcrypto.dylib libcrypto_bak.dylib7) sudo ln -s libssl.1.0.0.dylib libssl.dylib8) sudo ln -s libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib libcrypto.dylib