




Reply to How to get something to run under one Storyboard?
I just create a label in each storyboard. Then I made them hidden in IB, and then I connected them to the original label's @IBOutlet. That solved the problem, so I used part of your solution. I still want to know if it's possible code the title of the storyBoard because I will need app to change different storyboard based on the device size that the person is running the app on.
Sep ’20
Reply to Xcode ran my iPad Air code to my iPad Air 2
This question isn't a big deal. It doesn't really matter. I am just curious, but I explained everything. Your question don't really work in this situation. I want to test my code for screen display size. I code the size of 9.7 retina in Xcode size pixals. This code is for future devices that may have the same desplay as 9.7 Retina. I wanted to test the code by making it run wrong storyboard. I comment out the iPad Air 2 code, so it could run the code. However, when it ran, it ran the right storyboard. I couldn't figure out why, and I looked over everything. Then I decided to edit iPad Air code by making run a storyboard that doesn't exist. Then I ran the app to my iPad Air 2, and it failed because the storyboard for iPad Air code couldn't be found. That told me the problem was iPad Air. I correct back to the storyboard it is supposed to run, and then I comment it out. Then my other code worked. I don't have problem, I am just curious.
Sep ’20