




Distribute iOS app to Tester from website
Background: We are developing an App for both Windows, Android and iOS. Our process is that virtually every pull request must be tested by a tester before being pushed to the main branch. Up until now, we have been distributing the 3 versions to our testers via Microsoft AppCenter. Unfortunately, AppCenter is stopping per 31 March 2025 and we are looking for an alternative method. As the Play Store isn't really useful for us for distributing android apps (a test build can take a few hours before appearing according to their documentation), we may have to look into setting up our own distribution website for our apps. As such I was wondering, rather then using Test Flight for iOS, to also distribute the iOS app via our own website to our testers as it would be easier for our testers to have everything together. Even though our apps are build and signed using an "ad hoc" provisioning profile, it's still not possible to just install the .IPA files just by downloading it. The actual question: So my question is, how can I install our app to our testers from a website. Do I have to set the link as something specific? Or has AppCenter been using a trick not available to us mere mortals? To clarify: I am only asking for distributing to our testers using the ad hoc provisioning profile with the test devices registers at apple. I am NOT asking for distribution to end users, that goes via the App Store as usual.
Dec ’24