




Parsing a JSON Array Response into SwiftUI View
Hello everyone, I have a bit of an issue that I expected to be fairly simple to solve. I have scoured the internet but have run out of solutions to test out. Task: I am trying to setup a very simple Dictionary API call from my iOS application with this link: And show the result of it in a basic View (using Text{}) with SwiftUI. Problem: The code compiles, but my ContentView is blank. Debugging so far: I followed a tutorial on setting up JSON parsing with the "Codable" protocol and was able to successfully set it up using a link that was a Movie API database. Upon further investigation on why the MovieAPI results were working and the DictionaryAPI results weren't, I noticed the the MovieAPI response was a JSONObject and the DictionaryAPI response was a JSONArray which starts with [ ] After more googling I was sent to the solution to utilize something like this: try! JSONDecoder().decode([DictionaryWord].self, from: jsonData) But it also did not work and my view is still blank. I will be putting the code below as well for further reference. Thank you import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State private var results = [DictionaryWord]() var body: some View { VStack{ Text("API Example iOS Application") List(results, id: \.word) { item in VStack(alignment: .leading) { Text(item.word) .font(.headline) Text(item.phonetic) } } .task { await loadData() } } } let freeDictionaryURL = "" func loadData() async { guard let url = URL(string: freeDictionaryURL) else { print("Invalid URL") return } do { let (data, _) = try await url) if let decoded: [WelcomeElement] = try? JSONDecoder().decode([DictionaryWord].self, from: data) { results = decoded } } catch { print("Invalid data") } } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { ContentView() } } // MARK: - WelcomeElement struct DictionaryWord: Codable { var word, phonetic: String var phonetics: [Phonetic] var origin: String var meanings: [Meaning] } // MARK: - Meaning struct Meaning: Codable { var partOfSpeech: String var definitions: [Definition] } // MARK: - Definition struct Definition: Codable { var definition, example: String var synonyms, antonyms: [String?] } // MARK: - Phonetic struct Phonetic: Codable { var text: String var audio: String? }
Aug ’23