




iPadOS 16.1 External Accessary Frameworks overwrites screen orientation lock
We have added orientation lock in Info.Plist file to force all the application screens to be displayed in Landscape (left & right) orientation. We have also have External Accessary frameworks to communicate with medical devices over bluetooth. In iPadOS 16.1 RC and prior beta versions, initially App screens are displayed in landscape orientation. but after selecting a bluetooth device from External Accessary picker window or cancelling the picker window (External Accessary Frameworks - used for discovering the bluetooth devices), App rotates to portrait and landscape mode, when user rotates the device. We have replaced deprecated API shouldAutorotate by supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow. still observed App displayed in portrait mode and landscape mode. We did not observed this issue in iPadOS 15.7 or earlier.
Oct ’22
iOS 15.5 Beta - External Accessary API
We use External accessories framework for Bluetooth communication with medical equipment.  Mobile App was in Foreground but iOS (15.5 beta) triggered AppDelegage callback applicationDidEnterBackground event, when external accessories framework establish the connection to or disconnect from the medical equipment.  iOS should trigger this event only when the user moves application to background. We encounter this issue in iOS 15.5 Beta version, which seems to be iOS 15.5 beta issue.
Apr ’22
iOS 15 Beta 7 & 8 - App process killed , when App performs back ground processing
Application process being killed by iOS internal, when the application was background for more than 30 secs and application is consuming Bluetooth External Asseceries frameworks (data transmission or just Bluetooth connected, no data transmission) or periodic network upload is progress in background Not observed this issue in till iOS 15 beta 6. Observed in iOS 15 Beta 7 and 8 am I missing any new configuration to run the application in background other than External BLE Accessaries and Uses Bluetooth LE Accessories in Background ?
Sep ’21
iOS 15 Beta 2 - WKWebView - Web socket server not receives large Message (2MB)
I have iOS application which has WebSocket communication between Xcode libraries and WKWebView (Java script) front end UI. client usually sends 200 bytes. however on demand, it may send upto 2MB encrypted binary data messages. In iOS 14, server (Java script) was able to receive 2 MB of binary message. In iOS 15 Beta 1 & 2, not able receive message beyond 500 KB. Do I need to tune any properties to receive 2 MB data ? , is there any relation between this issue and entitlements
Jul ’21