I have a view that's receiving an ID value from the previous view. I need to also take that ID value and pass it into an ObservableObject so that I can run a Firestore query on that ID. I'm at a loss as to how to grab that ID for my ObservableObject.import SwiftUI
import Firebase
struct ItemsView: View {
var itemName: String
var itemID: String
@ObservedObject var items = getItemsData()
// ....etc
class getItemsData() {
@Published var data = [items]()
init() {
let db = Firestore.firestore()
db.collection("items").whreField("itemID", isEqualTo: "THIS IS WHERE I NEED TO PASS THE VALUE OF itemID").addSnopshotListenserSo in the query call, I need to call the ItemID value to query based on that value that's defined at the top of the view.