Thanks for the info. Guess my best option is to get XCODE 12 to finish the course. I barely started learning how to code a month ago and I'm still getting the hang on how both the language and IDE work, this is also my very first post on here so I'm not that familiar with the rules or practices that are usually accepted.
So I deleted func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
the reason I did it is because on the book lesson that's what it asked for, same as the tableView.beginUpdates & tableView.endUpdates. I'm still learning so I was just following the current instructions.
But thank you for your help, I actually changed to } else if indexPath = checkInDateLabelCellIndexPath && checkOutDatePicker.isHidden and updated it to tableView.reloadData() and now everything is working perfectly.
About the data model, I do have one I just haven't implemented it yet on the table view controller
Again, thank you so much!!!