




Reply to Xcode 9.4.1 and simulator : black screen on Late 2012 Mac Mini with HD4000 graphics card
I know it's been a while but I just ran into this and for me the fix was adding the following back into my Info.plist. I had inadvertently deleted it. UIApplicationSceneManifest UIApplicationSupportsMultipleScenes UISceneConfigurations UIWindowSceneSessionRoleApplication UISceneConfigurationName Default Configuration UISceneDelegateClassName $(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME).SceneDelegate UISceneStoryboardFile Main
Nov ’24
Reply to Build Script Export Failed Requires a Provisioning Profile
This is an update. The QuickDelegateTestApp project file got corrupted so I created a new project named DelegateDemo and I am running into the same problem, Below is a portion of the IDEDistribution.verbose.log which reports "Rejected distribution method <IDEDistributionMethodExportArchive: 0x600003f2fe00> because it doesn't support distributing archive" . The ExportOptions.plist method is set to enterprise. 2024-11-05 18:56:11 +0000 [MT] Rejected distribution method <IDEDistributionMethodExportArchive: 0x600003f2fe00> because it doesn't support distributing archive 2024-11-05 18:56:11 +0000 [MT] Available distribution methods: {( <IDEDistributionMethodiOSAppStoreDistribution: 0x600003f636d0>, <IDEDistributionMethodiOSAdHoc: 0x600003f2fdf0>, <IDEDistributionMethodiOSEnterprise: 0x600003f2f9d0>, <IDEDistributionMethodDevelopmentSigned: 0x600003f63740>, <IDEDistributionMethodiOSAppStoreValidation: 0x600003f2fdd0> )}
Nov ’24