thank you so much the problem was I wasn't reloading the correct section so the switch case the section 3 was never reached, but now is being reloaded properly
Hello Claude long time not see you hope you doing well man 😄.
thanks for replying btw if we change the return to
we are facing to re-do all logic for other's functions because once It gets called here
var allSubsets = generateSubsets(initialSet: mergedSet)
return sort(status: status, keys: allSubsets)
the sort function expects keys as
private static func sort(status: FeatureStatus, keys: Set<Set>) -> [Set] {
as we have some rules inside the app that we cannot change, that's why the logic needs to improve we make like 300 calls for this function and will take years to complete
thanks after testing the code we decided to go on with your approach
thanks for helping Claude we got it fix