




Reply to applicationWillTerminate not being called
This problem also occurs if just hitting quit in the app...Whats the f_+++ purpose of such a method call if it aint being called.And to Apple, please exclude those calls from your templates if you add those weird .plist entries.This confuses ANYONE especially newbies who wont be able to figure out why that method which you put in there in the template isnet bein called, even though your docs. state it will be...This is another glitch happening due to your tempo of putting out new macOS's ... Quality is severly degrading !
Jan ’20
Reply to Is XCode 11.1 buggy?
Not more or less buggy than older versions of xcode. In some senses (especially the doc reader) it has even gotten more stable.That said, IMO Xcode 11 is the slowest version of xcode ever. But then again, it does more so it needs more CPU power.iMac Pro is the least you need to make it run fast. My 2016 Late MBP was fine with Xcode 9 & 10 but the whole system bogs down with 11.In General, I do like the route Apple is taking with Xcode.
Dec ’19