My SwiftData model doesn't have time to update, and the widget gets old data on the timeline
I create simple SwiftData app with widget extension. To share swiftdata between widget and app I use the same approach as in sample code "Adopting SwiftData for a Core Data app":
let modelContext = ModelContext(DataModel.shared.modelContainer)
if let models = try? modelContext.fetch(fetchDescriptor) {
// use
After I create/delete/updated model I call:
The problem is that the widget receives outdated data as a result of modelContext.fetch. To get the new data I need to call WidgetCenter.shared.reloadAllTimelines() twice or with some delay:
// MyModelEditorView
private func save() {
if let myModel {
myModel.title = title
} else {
let myModel = MyModel(
title: title
// i have to call it twice
I couldn't test SampleCode for similar update behavior, because somehow I couldn't get the models into the widget and I only have "No Trip" displayed there.
If I remove the second call, the UI is updated immediately and the new title is displayed, but the widget in the timeline receive the old title.
I don't understand whether this is the case and I need to update the widget with a delay or am I doing something wrong?
Why is sample code in init we don't use shared container?
private let modelContainer: ModelContainer
init() {
do {
// why we don't use DataModel.shared.modelContainer
modelContainer = try ModelContainer(for: Trip.self)
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to create the model container: \(error)")