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The MetricKit implementation is pretty straight forward. I am testing it now for a couple of days, but I never saw any report passed to my test apps. (implemented it in an empty app that just crashes every now and then and in a product of ours) The function 'didReceive' is never called and each time I am asking 'MXMetricManager.shared.pastDiagnosticPayloads' I get an empty collection. So that is the secret here? Is MetricKit not working for development builds? Or are there other factors/requirements not meet? import Foundation import MetricKit class CrashDetection: NSObject, MXMetricManagerSubscriber { @objc static let shared = CrashDetection() @objc private override init() { } internal static var crashDidOccur: Bool { get { UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: crashDidOccurKey) ?? false } set { UserDefaults.standard.set(newValue, forKey: crashDidOccurKey) } } @objc func start() { MXMetricManager.shared.add(self) } @objc func stop() { MXMetricManager.shared.remove(self) } func didReceive(_ payloads: [MXDiagnosticPayload]) { let crashDiagnostics = payloads.compactMap({ $0.crashDiagnostics }) CrashDetection.crashDidOccur = crashDiagnostics.isEmpty == false } }
by HelgeBB.
Last updated
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
I am trying to get simple crash detection working. Ten years ago was that no problem with Obj-C thankss to the UncaughtExceptionHandler. But Swift needs more work and I am not sure I am on the right path after I the TheEskimos posts. I tried the following implementation, based on other approaches and comments. To my surprise it seems not to get called. Any idea what I am missing or doing wrong? import Foundation class CrashDetection: NSObject { private static let observedSignals = [SIGABRT, SIGILL, SIGSEGV, SIGFPE, SIGBUS, SIGPIPE, SIGTRAP] private static var previousSignalHandlers: [Int32:(@convention(c) (Int32) -> Void)] = [:] @objc class func start() { NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler(CrashDetection.recieveException) observedSignals.forEach { signalType in let oldHandler = signal(signalType, CrashDetection.recieveSignal) CrashDetection.previousSignalHandlers[signalType] = oldHandler } } private static let recieveException: @convention(c) (NSException) -> Swift.Void = { (recieveException) -> Void in UserDefaults.standard.setValue(true, forKey: "crashDidOccur") } private static let recieveSignal: @convention(c) (Int32) -> Void = { (recievedSignal) -> Void in UserDefaults.standard.setValue(true, forKey: "crashDidOccur") NSSetUncaughtExceptionHandler(nil) observedSignals.forEach { signalType in signal(signalType, previousSignalHandlers[signalType]) } } }
by HelgeBB.
Last updated