




visionOS VR mode / eye tracking / dynamic foveated rendering
I think it's kind of essential to have eye tracking data available to apps in VR mode (with the user's permission). The biggest problem I've observed is that Unity isn't able to implement dynamic foveated rendering without eye tracking data. Without the eye tracking it's only possible to have fixed foveated rendering. That gives a performance boost to rendering, but it also makes it so it gets blurry for the user if they look to the side without turning their head. I understand why it's a privacy issue to have apps tracking where the user is looking in the real world, but video passthrough is disabled in VR -- so it should be ok to enable eye tracking in VR (with the user's permission). Unity already supports dynamic foveated rendering (with eye tracking) for other VR headsets, and Vision Pro has the best eye tracking -- so Vision Pro should definitely have the best dynamic foveated rendering in VR.
Apr ’24