I am browsing Webkit source code by using XCode 13, however it doesn't highlight syntax or index symbols on some files. When I enable Index Build Log, I see that it doesn't have some headers that come from RunScriptPhase:
I check again then see that those file exist in Build folder, but not Index/Build folder
How can I fix this issue?
I try to build a Network Extension in Objective-C, and copy the app to my virtual machine ( SIP is disabled ). But when I run the app ( which activate that Network Extension inside, using OSSystemExtensionRequest ), it is killed immediately by SIGKILL. Meanwhile, if I run on the host machine ( SIP is enabled ), it gives an error : Request to load system extension has failed! Error (8): Invalid code signature or missing entitlements
I have a valid certificate for developing Network Extension ( imgur.com/ro4KQQK -- Sorry I cant paste the image here xD ).
Can someone give me a hint to fix this?