Whoops, sorry for filing a known issue! Thanks for checking it out, regardless.
I experienced several of the issues described here but the explanations from the Frameworks Engineer were very helpful to debugging, thank you (I think it's retrospectively obvious, but not obvious in the moment, that the app and extension both need the privacy camera usage strings and that the main app has to first receive camera permissions from the user before the extension can inherit them, so as an enhancement I would suggest adding it to the documentation or emphasizing it more if it is in there, along with a request to add a full working example of the implementation of the control widget, and I also stumbled on adding the Widget kind to the WidgetKit env vars in its scheme, although the Xcode error messages were helpful).
My extension and control widget are now working, but I filed feedback FB13958518 about the pin unlock numpad popping up over the extension viewfinder when it works; maybe you would be able to check it out.
Thanks again!