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I have a NotificationExtension that shares a codebase with a main application, but should not run some of the code. For a long time I've used NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE in Objective C on some methods that should not be used in the extension, but in tracking down a recent bug I noticed that those methods are being called in a CocoaPod where they should not (because of NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE). I verified this when running the Extension target in XCode and setting breakpoints. I also have a Preprocessor Macro "TARGET_IS_NOTIFICATION=1" in the extension Build Settings and a Swift Active Compilation Condition to filter out some other code inside shared methods/functions. When I realized NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE wasn't working, I tried the Preprocessor Macro and found that wasn't working in the CocoaPod either. If I use the Preprocessor macro in the main Extension class, it works correctly, but when used in the Cocoapod that is called by the extension, it does not. I am currently using XCode 13.3 on an M1 Macbook Pro. I do remember that a few weeks ago XCode updated itself and stopped building so that paths needed to be changed, but I think that is all straightened out and everything else seems to be working normally.
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7 Replies
We are trying to load/install an IPSEC VPN through our app, and have not yet been successful. According to Eskimo (see, the preferred mechanism would be NEVPNManager, with other options being hosting on an external web server, or as a last resort a web server in the app.We have a mobileconfig file from our VPN server that works if loaded manually, but have been unsuccessful using it with other mechanisms.Web Server:We do not have an external web server that would be a good place to host the mobileconfig files right now. However, we do have access to a cloud server data storage from which we can pull the mobileconfig file. We do use GCDWebServer in the app and spent some time trying to get that to work (ingesting and saving a mobileconfig, and then opening the URL), but we were unsuccessful in the short time that we tried. In reality, we’d rather not use that mechanism anyway because we don’t want to end up in a browser window outside of the app.NEVPNManager and Personal VPNWe have ingested and parsed the mobileconfig file (from cloud server), setting values in NEVPNManager and NEVPNProtocolIKEv2 protocol object. But when we try to start the VPN, it is unsuccessful. Looking at console messages, it looks like the issue is related to the root CA. Some of the relevant console messages we are seeing are as follows: BACKTRACE failed to retrieve remote CA cert data by CN (***.***.***.***) remoteCertAuthorityArray missing from configCertificate authentication data could not be verifiedFailed to process IKE Auth packet (connect)Originally the VPN server was using a mobileconfig with a self-signed root cert, but then after reading Eskimo’s responses (in and and and, we were able use Let’s Encrypt to issue the certificate used in the mobileconfig. And yet we still are getting the exact same result, and same messages in Console.A few additional details:I read in the mobileconfig file as a dictionary and pulled the cert information from PayloadContent in its section in the mobileconfig. The mobileconfig has Base64 encoded pkcs12 certificate with a password (PayloadDescription for that section says "Adds a PKCS#12-formatted certificate”). The PayloadContent is a “data” type tag, so when I get it’s value it looks like it correctly reads it into the NSData object, and so I set the following on the NEVPNProtocolIKEv2 protocol object. Does this look correct?protocol.identityDataPassword = [certDictionary valueForKey:@"Password"];protocol.identityData = [certDictionary valueForKey:@"PayloadContent"];There is also a 2nd cert section, with PayloadDescription of "Adds a CA root certificate”. There doesn’t seem to be a place for this in NEVPNManager, but I thought maybe with a valid cert, it would get that information from the VPN server?if I run something like this against the mobileconfig file:openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -print_certs -in test.mobileconfig > test.pemopenssl x509 -in test.pem -noout -textIt shows (along with all the other info):Issuer: O=Digital Signature Trust Co., CN=DST Root CA X3Subject: C=US, O=Let's Encrypt, CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3And yet the numerous other things I’ve tried, end up showing: Issuer: CN=***.***.***.*** (VPN server IP, which is also set as serverCertificateIssuerCommonName in the mobileconfig)In spite of spending quite a bit of time looking at this, I’m wondering if I’m just still ignorant about how certs work.Has anyone tried to parse the cert data out of a mobileconfig file to set up a VPN connection via NEVPNManager?
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