I updated my Mac OS application with WKWebView but I found that when I click on a link the delegate (- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView decidePolicyForNavigationAction:(WKNavigationAction *)navigationAction decisionHandler:(void (^)(WKNavigationActionPolicy))decisionHandler) is not called.
The same application under iOS and Mac catalyst works fine.
Is someone able to get me an explanation and a solution?
Thank you very much in advance,
Hello everybody,
I am converting my iOS application to Mac Catalyst. In my iOS applications I have created an object UIDocument type. How can I import a document stored in the Mac Computer inside the Mac Catalyst application? Drag&Drop or other?
Thanks and regards,
Hi EveryBody,
A section of my iOS application is composed by an Object WKWebView. Obviously this object contains html code.
I am unable to configure the WKWebView object and the html code for it to work properly in voice over mode. Suppose that an html component (for example a component <a> contains the text "alpha", can I make voice over ads "beta" when the user touches the html component? This is possible for every object (UIButton, UILabel etc.). Is it also possible for an html component inside a WKWebView?
Thanks and regards,