




Incompatibility Swift compiler/Xcode 11.4 with linked frameworks
Hi, since I updated my Xcode version to 11.4, I have a problem regarding the use of two of my frameworks together.Here is the context :I have an Swift application project containing a Swift framework. In this framework, I use 2 other frameworks, one in Swift (S), one in Objective-C (O).Both of the (S) and (O) frameworks contains a class with the name (pretty tricky case, but I cannot do much about it), let's call it "MySuperClass".With Xcode version 11.3 and prior, I had no problem using both: I use a modulemap for my Objective-C framework since I use it inside another Swift framework, I import each module and Swift class independently, and all of this is working pretty fine, I can call "MySuperClass" from both frameworks.With Xcode version 11.4, something seems to be messed up because it tells that my module, based on framwork (O), has no member named "MySuperClass".I try to look at which class is used when I call "MySuperClass" from framework (S), since I have no warning regarding this one, but Xcode cannot figure it out.I had the opportunity to check the behavior when I change the class name of framework (S) and magicaly the problem was solved and my framework (O) sundenly has the member "MySuperClass".I searched a lot for similar cases and solution, but the addition of Obj-c & Swift frameworks, containing a class with the same name, inside another framework, does not seem that common so I couldn't find anything about it nor any way to fix this.Can it be considered as a bug with Xcode/Swift compiler that is reportable and should be fixed ?Or have someone already met this kind of problem ?Thanks in advance.
Apr ’20