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I followed all the instructions, downloaded the sysdiagnose thing... it's a watchOSconfig.mobileconfig file. I installed the profile on AppleWatch and I still didn't get any logs on Console App. But I do get logs on Xcode console when I run the app from Xcode, but I don't want to attach debugger. My env: watchOS 10.0, iOs 17.3.1, Xcode 15.1. Any ideas? :(
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I raised a TSI to AppleDTS and they informed me that the scene(_ :continue:) method is for a UIKit app. For SwiftUI app, we have to use the onOpenURL(_:perform:) view modifier to handle universal links (and other URL based launches like file launch, deep link etc.) as shown below. WindowGroup { ContentView() .onOpenURL(perform: { (universalLink: URL) in Log(String(format: "universalLink = %@", universalLink.absoluteString)) // Handle universal link }) }
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After reading this post in swift forums about #if, @available and #available, I see that in this case, #if must be used... since any version of tvOS should not see the userNotificationCenter(_:didReceive:withCompletionHandler:) delegate method.
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Update 2: Missed to add some details and another question :( Expiration handler doesn't get called (unlike the case with beginBackgroundTask(name:expirationHandler:))? Environment: Xcode 14.2, iOS 16.0, Debug and Release build, Console app (to check logs).
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Update1: Correcting a typo New: Example: The sample background task is to count 60s in multiple of 10s. Old: Example: The sample background task is to count 10s in multiple of 10s.