Can someone point me to an example that supports Infinite Scrolling with Pull-to-refresh in a single SwiftUI example for a List()?
These features seem to cancel each other out or are not compatible approaches.
Why is the following code causing views to load twice on iOS 14? This does not happen on iOS 13.6.
The same code compiled on either Xcode 12 Beta 3 or Xcode 11.6 runs differently on iOS 14.
iOS 14 is causing all Views to load twice when placed in a List with NavigationLink.
This issue is doubling our network traffic.
The following code example will demonstrate:
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
		var body: some View {
				NavigationView {
								NavigationLink( destination: DetailView()){
struct DetailView: View {
		 var body: some View {
					 VStack {
							 logView("View loaded")
							 Text("Hello, world!")
			 func logView( _ message: String) -> AnyView {
					 return AnyView(EmptyView())
Where is the entire app source code for BookCard? I can't get this to work with the provided code snippets.