Hi SpriteKit community,My question pertains to the refresh of SpriteKit during live resizeDuring a live window resize on MacOS: SpriteKit's SKScene update function invokes properly, yet SpriteKit Views scenes are not redrawn until the window resize event completes. Is this expected behavior/a limitation of SpriteKit, or is there likely something wrong in my application's configuration? I've tried about every permutation of layerContentsRedrawPolicy, preservesContentDuringLiveResize, referenced the relevant documentation (https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CocoaPerformance/Articles/CocoaLiveResize.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001444-BAJGDIBE, etc.) for both Live Resize, SKScene, and SKView itself, set a timer to invoke update and needsDisplay manually, etc., yet no dice as far as drawing updates during the resize event. Any help would be most appreciated!Much thanks, in advance!Jonathan