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Using the @Query macro under the @Observable macro may not be a very correct use. In this case, I recommend you to change the structure of your code if you can. If you give more information about what you want to do, I will be happy to help :)
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If I understand your problem correctly, it would be better to use @Bindable in this structure. More information about Bindable Using @Bindable @Bindable var stagione: Stagione Let's make changes in Textfields and Button TextField("Categoria", text: $stagione.categoria) Button("Aggiorna dati") { dismiss() } .disabled(!modifica) By doing this, the values in the TextFields will be saved without any function. Please feel free to ask your question :)
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İt's same for me. Any solution?
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7 Replies
Thank you sooo much for your answer. That's completely working. I did it like that for design. (I mean else section). And I would be very grateful if you could explain the code. Because it's a little confusing. Thank you again :) Picker("Marka", selection: $brandIndex) { Text("Seçin").tag(0) ForEach(cars.indices, id: \.self) { Text(cars[$0].brand).tag($0 + 1) } } .onChange(of: brandIndex) { modelIndex = 0 } if brandIndex != 0 && modelIndex <= cars[brandIndex - 1].models.count { Picker("Model", selection: $modelIndex) { Text("Seçin").tag(0) ForEach(cars[brandIndex - 1].models.indices, id: \.self) { Text(cars[brandIndex - 1].models[$0]) .tag($0 + 1) } } } else { // This section for design Picker("Model", selection: $modelIndex) { Text("Seçin").tag(0) } }
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Thank you for your answer @Claude31 . I'm trying to get the vehicle make and model from the user. I have a .json file which has all car brand and models. I'm getting values from viewModel and this is my struct: struct Car: Decodable, Identifiable { enum CodingKeys: CodingKey { case brand case models } var id = UUID() var brand: String var models: [String] } In the first picker I want to select brand. Then I want to see models according to the brand I chose. Picker("Brand", selection: $brandIndex) { Text("Choose").tag(0) ForEach(cars.indices, id: \.self) { Text(cars[$0].brand).tag($0 + 1) } } Picker("Model", selection: $modelIndex) { Text("Choose").tag(0) if brandIndex != 0 { ForEach(cars[brandIndex - 1].models.indices, id: \.self) { Text(cars[brandIndex - 1].models[$0]) .tag($0 + 1) } } } First, I select a brand and model, then when I change the brand, if the new brand does not have that value, I get the error I mentioned above. I thought that this situation would be solved if the modelIndex variable was set to 0 every time the brand was changed. Thank you so much.
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2 Replies
Thank you for your support. But how can I clear binding value?