I’m developing a DriverKit sample test company’s USB Controller.
My example will appear in the system log: Code has restricted entitlements, but the validation of its code signature failed.
Hello World is not printed.
What happened?
command-line systemextensionsctl list in Terminal,.dext is installed in /Library/SystemExtensions folder.
I read the example "Communicating Between a DriverKit Extension and a Client App".
But I still don't know, can I communicate with DriverKit through SwiftUI APP?
Instead of using IOServiceOpen in CppUserClient, can I use IOServiceOpen in SwiftUI APP like this?
Or are there other options?
On the same computer, using Xcode to run the APP to install DriverKit, my USB device can work, and I can see the output os_log.
But using Xcode archive Export Notarized App, installing DriverKit, the USB device does not work, and the system os_log cannot be seen.
Is there any difference between these two installations?
Run the systemextensionsctl command-line tool with the list option from Terminal, the two are the same DriverKit [activated enabled].
My .iig file looks like this, I need to use different class IOUserHIDEventService and IOUserClient.
How to modify the class of .llg?
Use two different class functions in
#ifndef DriverKit_h
#define DriverKit_h
#include <Availability.h>
#include <DriverKit/IOService.iig>
#include <HIDDriverKit/IOUserHIDEventService.iig>
class IOHIDElement;
class IOHIDDigitizerCollection;
class DriverKit: public IOUserHIDEventService
virtual bool init() override;
virtual void free() override;
virtual kern_return_t Start(IOService * provider) override;
#endif /* DriverKit_h */