I am having the same issue. Works great on xcode 13.1 (Big Sur). Moved the project to a new machine running xcode 13.4.1 (Monetery), deleted derived folder, clean built project, ran pod install/update, restarted xcode and computer but still the errors exist.
Any help is appreciated.
Experiencing the same issue here (Xcode 14.2), not on testflight but on PRODUCTION!
Any solution?
@eskimo this issue is experienced by some of our live users. There is no way I can recreate the issue as it works perfectly fine on my development environment, testflight and when downloaded directly from appstore.
And I can find the affected framework "GoogleUtilities" in the pods section but not anywhere else :
This issue is experienced by users running iOS 15.6.1. Getting them to update the OS did the trick.