
Post marked as solved
2 Replies
I'm not sure they are available in the current betas and there is no documentation at the moment other than that part of the WWDC video. I also find it strange that these are plist keys when App Shortcuts / App Intents has been focussed on moving everything to swift. Maybe we will get these as some static vars on AppShortcutsProvider in a future beta instead of plist keys?
Post not yet marked as solved
11 Replies
Having gone back and forth on this a bit, I can't believe the solution is going to be to delete the IAP entirely! What a shoddy process. It wasn't obvious to me that you needed to add the IAP to a build in the first place
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12 Replies
Another potential reason for getting this is if in your intent definition file you don't have the 'Intent is eligible for Sir Suggestions' checkbox ticked. Slightly confusing, because you wouldn't think Widgets need that box checked, but if you want to be able to call an Intent Extension that seems to be required