Which Xcode should I use to debug on iOS 14.6? Xcode 12.5 doesn't work, there is no active beta.
I need to process the ProRaw photo as soon as it is captured.
Our flow for the Bayer Raw includes creating an MTLTexture from a CVPixelBuffer. But with ProRaw looks like the problem is even before this step.
We need a linear image so I've tried the following sample (adjusted to work on iOS 14):
var options: [CIRAWFilterOption: Any] = [
.baselineExposure: 0.0,
.boostAmount: 0.0,
.boostShadowAmount: 0.0,
.disableGamutMap: true
if #available(iOS 14.3, *) {
options[.ciInputLocalToneMapAmountKey] = 0.0
let pxFilter = CIFilter(cvPixelBuffer: photo.pixelBuffer!, properties: photo.metadata, options: options)!
let pxImage = pxFilter.outputImage!
(ignore all the force unwrappings, it is just a proof of concept)
And the output image is always overexposed here:
How can I get a linear image with proper exposure?
Won't this sample from "Build custom experiences with Group Activities" introduce a reference cycle?
sink closure captures self, self holds subscriptions
What is the best practice to handle such cases? The point is it's good to unsubscribe when the view disappears and resubscribe when the view appears. But having an explicit model call inside onAppear doesn't look like the best solution because the view has to know more than it should about the model lifecycle then.