
Post not yet marked as solved
4 Replies
Another case: ObjC Enum: XXImagePreviewVideoStateNormal use xximprvist show the candidates, but if I continue write no (xximprvistno), the result shows empty.
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6 Replies
I am pretty sure that this issue persist on the 15.2 released version. If you set photo permission to PHAuthorizationStatusDenied in Settings, and call registerChangeObserver: without check the permission (to do a alert or something), the App will stuck 20s. Is there some workarounds for the old version of our apps?
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22 Replies
I can confirm 1000-limit-error is not the same error as @logicat encountered. I write a for loop to create 1000+ directories, I get 512. But it has detailed description. Too many temporary directories for $APPNAME in $DIR The original error is 512 without other useful info but UserInfo={NSUserStringVariant=Folder}. Start from 13.x, I guess, Apple change some code on write atomically results in this error.
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5 Replies
Actually, 2 ways: Download Xcode 10.x from Developer website, try multiple versions. Automatically migration. Change Swift version to 4 or 5 in Project Build Settings. Then manually fix all the errors.