




No ObservableObject of type AuthViewModel found, but only on Mac
Hi. I am very new to SwiftUI and still trying to learn. I just encountered a very weird problem that I can't figure out. I have an iPad application that runs on Apple Silicon Macs as "Designed for iPad"; for some reason, this issue only comes up when running it on a Mac, even if the code is exactly the same. This is the view that's causing issues: struct ProfileEditView: View { @EnvironmentObject var mainModel: MainViewModel @EnvironmentObject var authModel: AuthViewModel [some other stuff] var body: some View { GeometryReader { geo in VStack(spacing: 20) { navigationBar() .padding(.horizontal, 3) if authModel.user != nil { VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 30) { PhotosPicker(selection: self.$imageSelection, matching: .images, preferredItemEncoding: .compatible) { ProfilePicView(editIconShown: true) } .disabled(authModel.profilePicIsLoading) .padding(.horizontal, geo.size.width * 0.3) .padding(.bottom) VStack(spacing: 10) { if let error = self.error { Text(error) .foregroundStyle( .font(.footnote) .italic() } SettingsTextFieldView(String(localized: "Your name:"), value: self.$name) { if nameIsValid { authModel.updateName( } } } Spacer() actions() } .padding(.horizontal, 5) .padding(.top) .onAppear { = authModel.user!.name } } } .padding() } } } Obviously, I am injecting the ViewModels instances at the app entry point: @main struct MyApp: App { @UIApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var delegate @StateObject var authViewModel: AuthViewModel = AuthViewModel() @StateObject var mainViewModel: MainViewModel = MainViewModel() @StateObject var statsViewModel: StatsViewModel = StatsViewModel() @StateObject var purchaseViewModel: PurchaseViewModel = PurchaseViewModel() @State var revenueCatIsConfigured: Bool = false init() { // MARK: Firebase configuration FirebaseConfiguration.shared.setLoggerLevel(.min) FirebaseApp.configure() // MARK: RevenueCat configuration if let uid = AuthViewModel.getLoggedInUserID() { Purchases.logLevel = .error Purchases.configure(withAPIKey: "redacted", appUserID: uid) self.revenueCatIsConfigured = true } } var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { MainView() .environmentObject(authViewModel) .environmentObject(mainViewModel) .environmentObject(statsViewModel) .environmentObject(purchaseViewModel) } } } And lastly, ProfileEditView that is causing issues, is a subview of MainView: MainView has a switch statement, based on the selected tab; one of the possible views is SettingsView, which can show ProfileEditView as a sheet modifier. For some reason, only when running on mac, I get the error Thread 1: Fatal error: No ObservableObject of type AuthViewModel found. A View.environmentObject(_:) for AuthViewModel may be missing as an ancestor of this view. This will come up every time I reference authModel in this view alone. Both the iPad and iPhone versions work just fine, and again, the code is exactly the same, since it's a "Designed for iPad". I don't even know how to troubleshoot the issue.
Sep ’23