crash log
Anyone can understand the log? I really don't understand.
Please see the attachment crash and help to resolve it, thanks very much.
I tested the life cycle of TabView and its sub-Views through the demo and found something strange. Please help analyze it. Thank you.
The demo project is here
Operation steps:
Step 1: launch app
Step 2: click Login button
the below log is correct
SettingsViewModel init
HomeViewModel init
HomeView appear
Step 3: click Settings tab
SettingsView appear (correct)
Step 4: click Refresh TabView button the below log is incorrect
Refresh TabView
StatusViewModel init
AccountViewModel init
StatusViewModel init (weird)
AccountViewModel init (weird)
HomeView appear (weird)
StatusViewModel deinit
AccountViewModel deinit
AccountView appear
SettingsViewModel deinit
HomeViewModel deinit
Expect log:
Refresh TabView
SettingsViewModel deinit
HomeViewModel deinit
StatusViewModel init
AccountViewModel init
AccountView appear