That is possible with the last solution I proposed. You hit the button, then image creation is made behind the scene and then you call for printing as described in the link.
Pleased you appreciate. Don't forget to close the thread and good continuation.
That's why I warned it was objC for UIKit… But using NSClickGestureRecognizer instead of UITapGestureRecognizer should not be too hard a change.
You marked the answer as correct, which means you have solved your problem… So little chance you get a quick answer now. In any case, you should have shown your present code, shown what you get and explain why it is not correct.
You closed your own question by marking it as correct answer (which visibly was not). Don't expect many more answers. But check the identifier you passed to instantiateViewController and what class you have defined in storyboard for this Setting VC (it should be SettingUI). And remember: you should not unwrap an optional (controllerTwo) if you are not absolutely sure it cannot be nil. But you should test with if let controllerTwo { …
I changed from main to a Dispatch in case it overpasses duration limit. Works quite OK. Thanks for all the help.
@darkpaw For stand alone watch app that may be great. But for companion apps where main app is UIKit, not so cool.
OK, I attached a complete file.
You're right, that's what I meant by : "scaleFactor is computed as linear progression from topScale to bottomScale depending on the line"
Thanks. I’ll try on other browsers.
Thanks. Of course, I was misreading the precedence operators (I was reading it as (self.isOn = newValue) ? .myTrue : .myFalse . And once you start reading incorrectly, it's hard to change one's mind.
Yes, but my question was about the ternary pattern condition ? :
Merci. Quelle est la View principale ? AfficherUneListe ?
@techboss_11123 WHere does this code fit ? What do you show here ? And you do not answer on what T is and if it's an array… So please explain more clearly.
What do you get in log when you print self.vLocal?